Annual Inter-School Festival


The Inter-School Festival


Mind-Spark is the annual inter-school event hosted by Brighton International School, Raipur.

Brighton International School, Raipur has been hosting MINDSPARK, the annual inter-school event, for the several years. The first edition of Mindspark, happened in the year 2014-15, since then it has been a shining jewel in Brighton’s annual calendar.
The event features a gamut of literary, cultural, craft, fine arts and sports competitions. This festival is more than just a display of talent; it is a celebration of the journey of learning and growing. It is an opportunity for our students to shine, share their passions, and inspire one another. It is also a chance for us, as a community, to come together and support the dreams and aspirations of our youth.

The core values of Mind Spark include supporting students and developing their abilities. School have a responsibility to discover students’ hidden skills. MindSpark is one such platform where abilities can be showcased and refined. This vibrant event brings together students of all age, showcasing the incredible diversity of skills and passions that thrive within our school community.

MindSpark is set for October 25, 2023, to October 26, 2024, during the academic semester.

The following is the event schedule:

Time: 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m

Schedule - MINDSPARK

S No Event Date
1 Registration 25 Oct 2024
2 Inauguration
3 Poem Recitation
4 Mono Act
5 Poster Making
6 Instrumental Music
7 Clay Moulding
8 Scratch-Match
9 Double Wicket Cricket
10 Robotics Build-a-thon
11 Robo Hurdle Race
12 Story Narration 26 Oct 2024
13 English Debate
14 Extempore
15 Face Painting
17 Py-Logic
18 Robo Dangal
19 Dance-Drama
20 Volleyball
21 Quiz
22 Closing Ceremony

Poem Recitation(Group A & B)

  • The theme for the Recitation Competition is Festivals.
    • Maximum 2 students per group from each institution will be allowed.
    • There is a time limit of maximum 2 minutes for each participant.
    • Poem must be in English only
  • Contact: Mrs. Sangeeta Sahu 
  • Contact number : 7978575797
  • Registration Link: Register here

Story Narration(Group A and B)

  • The story must be in English only.
  • There is a time limit of 3 minutes.
  • Stories should be thematically educational or providing values.
  • Participants need to adhere to the given time limit.
  • Stories presented can be adapted or originally written.
  • Story presented should not carry on sensitive issues such as race, religion, sterotyping, politics etc.
  • The pace of story should be maintained throughout the narration of the story. 
  • Contact: Mrs. Ishvinder Kaur Alag
    • Contact number: 8770837050
  • Registration Link: Register here

Disney World - Role play(Group A)

  • This completion is about Enacting Your Favourite Cartoon Character
  • Each participating school will submit two entries (one from each class)
  • The competition is based on individual performance.
  • The participant can choose any cartoon character of their choice to enact.
  • Each participant will get maximum 2 minutes.
  • The participants must get ready according to their selected roles. (Prior to the competition).
  • Contact: Ms. Sahibba Kaur Rakhraj
    • Contact number : 9907782162
  • Registration Link: Register here

Feel the Band(Group C)

  • The competition is for Group C.
  • Group C: Class VI to VIII
  • One group is allowed from one school.
  • Maximum 10-12 participants per group are allowed.
  • Teachers are not allowed to play any instruments
  • Time limit for the performance is minimum 4 minutes and maximum 5 minutes.
  • Students must carry their own instrument.
  • Judges’ decision will be final.
  • Contact: Mr. Satyam Bharti
    • Contact number: 9399934032
  • Registration Link: Register here

Extempore(Group B)

  • The competition is for Group B.
  • Group B: Class III to V
  • The competitor has to pick up a piece of paper from the bowl with a topic in it.
  • Participant will get 1 minute to think about it.
  • Contact: Mrs. Misha Kakkar
    • Contact number : 8435164828
  • Registration Link: Register here

English Debate(Group D)

  • The competition is for Group D
  • Group D : Class IX  to XII
  • Each participating school will submit two entries. One “For” the motion and one for “Against” the motion.
  • The speakers are required to come in their respective school uniform.
  • The speakers will address the chair only.
  • Participants should refrain from reading previously prepared script, any paper or aid.
  • Unparliamentry language should not be used. No personal comments or observations should be made against any religion, caste, community, political party or individual. The matter should be limited to the topic only.
  • Each Speaker shall be given a total of 3 minutes to express their views. The warning bell will ring at the end of 2 minutes and a final bell will ring at the completion of 3 minutes.
  • Exceeding the time limit will be liable for negative marking
  • Points awarded by individual judges will be added for each speakers, and then for each team.
  • Facts, presented in a debate as such, must be accurate.
  • The candidate opted to be the first to speak through a draw will get a minutes times at the end for rebuttal.
  • Once the debate starts, the participants are not allowed to discuss with their teacher or anyone else till the programme ends.
  • The best speaker, not the team, will be the winner whereas the highest point scoring team will get the BEST SCHOOL’S trophy.
  • Queries can be placed to the candidates at the discretion of the judges.
  • Reporting time for all the participants will be 9:00 A.M.
  • Judgement will be made on Content, Fluency, Body Language, Confidence.
  • Contact: Ms B. Hemalatha
    • Contact number: 9425506630
  • Registration Link: Register here

Quiz (Topic- GK & Current Aff airs)(Group D)

  • The competition is for Group D.
  • Group D: Class IX to XII
  • The first round will be written.
  • Four teams selected from first round will go in the next round.
  • Each school will have one team of 2 students.
  • Rules and instructions regarding the individual rounds will be given on the spot.
  • On the event of tie, answer to tie-breaker question will decide the winner.
  • Contact: Mrs. Reena Shukla
    • Contact number: 9993003228
  • Registration Link: Register here

Dance Competition (Theme: Folk Dance)(Group D)

  • The competition is for Group D.
  • Group D: Class IX to XII
  • Selection of song should be appropriate.
  • Movie songs are not allowed.
  • Each school will have one team of maximum 8 to 10 participants.
  • A labelled pendrive should contain only one track for the dance.
  • Participants must report with complete dress & makeup as no makeup/changing room will be provided by the host school.
  • Dangerous props like fi re, water or any kind of powder are not allowed.
  • Judgement will be made on rhythm, coordination, expression, costume usage of props and overall performance.
  • Contact: Ms. Manisha Bhagat
    • Contact number: 7746866268
  • Registration Link: Register here

Leaf Art(Group B)

  • The competition is for Group B.
  • Group B: Class III to V
  • One entry per school is allowed.
  • The topic for the competition will be ” Animal Leaf Art“.
  • Time duration will be 1 hour.
  • Students will bring all the required materials (Leaves, colours, brushes & the required stationery material).
  • A3 sheet will be provided on the spot.
  • Interpretation and clarity of the theme is must.
  • Judgement will be made on Artistic Skills, creativity, relevance to the theme, fl ow of design, color scheme.
  • Contact: Ms Ashwini Ahmed

Volley Ball(Group C & D)

  • The competition is for Group C & D.
  • Group C: Class VI to VIII
  • Group D: Class IX to XII
  • A team must consist of 12 members and a coach.
  • It will be under-18 boys & girls tournament.
  • Maximum of 3 hits per side.
  • Points are made on every serve for winning team of rally (rally-points scoring).
  • Player may not hit the ball twice in succession.(A block is not considered a hit) Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.
  • A ball hitting a boundary line is in.
  • A ball is out if it hits antennae/ net post, the fl oor completely outside the court, any of the net or cables outside the antennae,the referee stand or pole or non-playable area.
  • It is legal to contact the ball with any part of the player’s body while receiving service.
  • It is illegal to catch, hold or throw the ball.
  • All the matches will be played on knock-out basis.
  • In case of dues will receive 2 points in succession.
  • Valid school Id proof is must.
  • Players cannot spike or block the serve.
  • Team must arrive 30 minutes before the match.
  • In case of any objection offi cials decision will be final and binding.
  • Organizing school is not responsible for any kind of in toward incidents caused due to indiscipline.
  • Contact: Mr. Sanjeev Prasad
    • Contact number: 9827884519
  • Registration Link: Register here

Double Wicket Cricket Tournament(Group C & D)

  • The competition is for Group C & D. 
  • Group C: Class- VI to VIII
  • Group D: Class IX to XII
  • This tournament will be played on knockout basis.
  • It will be under-18 boys tournament.
  • School can send maximum 2 teams.
  • A team consist of 2 players only.
  • (All rounder) Each match will be of 4 over each side.
  • Each ‘out’ will result in deduction of 5 runs from the team total.
  • In case of tie, the net run scored(run scored minus runs deducted from out) in those 4 overs. number of out then, number of boundaries (4,6) will be counted, If still tie then winner will be decided by the toss of coin.
  • Valid school I’d is must.
  • Organizing school is not responsible for any kind of in toward incidents caused due to indiscipline.
  • Officials’ decision will be final and binding.
  • Contact: Mr Sanjeev Prasad
    • Contact number: 9827884519
  • Registration Link: Register here

Scratch - Match(Group B & C)

  • The competition is for Group B & C
  • Group B: Class – III to V
  • Group C: Class VI to VIII
  • Students from grades III to VIII can participate in the event.
  • The students will compete in two groups.
  • Only 2 participants per group are allowed from each school.
  • Topic will be given on the spot.
  • There will be two rounds for the competition – Qualifier & Final.
  • Timing: QUALIFIER round: 15 minutes & FINAL round: 25 minutes
  • Top five teams will be qualified for final round from Qualifier round in each group.
  • Participants should not carry any electronic gadgets.
  • Each and every participant is bound to abide by the rules and regulations of the event.
  • Contact: Ms Sweta Paul 
    • Contact number: 9575994820 
  • Registration Link: Register here

(IX & X)

  • The competition is for Class – IX & X.
  • Grade IX and X students having great HTML skills can participate.
  • Each school will have one team of 2 participants.
  • Topic -On the spot.
  • There will be two rounds for the competition.
    • 1. Qualifier & 2. Final
    • Timing: FOR QUALIFIER: 30 minutes & FOR FINAL: 1 hour.
    • Top 5 teams from Qualifier round will go into final round.
    • Participants should not carry any electronic items.
    • Each and every participant is bound to abide by the rules and regulations of the event.
  • Contact: Ms. Sweta Paul
    • Contact number: 9575994820
  • Registration Link: Register here

(Class Xi & XII)Py-Logic

  • Grade 11th and 12th students skilled in Python can participate.
  • Only 2 individual participants allowed from each school.
  • Topic -On the spot.
  • There will be two rounds for the competition – Qualifier & Final
  • Timing: QUALIFIER: 15 minutes & FINAL: 25 minutes
  • Top ten students will be qualified for final round from Qualifier round in each group.
  • Participants should not carry any electronic items.
  • Each and every participant is bound to abide by the rules and regulations of the event.
  • Contact: Ms Shweta Paul
    • Contact number: 9575994820
  • Registration Link: Register here
  • Date: 25 & 26 October 2024, Friday & Saturday
  • Time: 8:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m
  • Categories: Group A - Class I & II, Group B - Class III to V, Group C - Class VI to VIII, Group D- Class IX to XII
  • For any help or queries, kindly contact Mrs Priya Kaur: 9179146859, Email:


MINDSPARK – The Inter-School Festival

For any queries
+91-91791 46859

Mon – Sat 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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