There has been a lot of interest on the post pertaining to CCE. To further create an understanding about the topic, here is my bit to help teachers and Principals trying to grapple with this methodology.
1. To begin with one needs to understand it is CONTINUOUS. It cannot happen in a day, neither in a week nor in a month’s time. To maintain it in the right spirit, the Lesson Planning should reflect the dates of the stimulus, type of stimulus along with parameters adopted. Let me illustrate this with an example;
Class III – V |
A+ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Reading Skills |
Pronunciation (Loud reading) |
Can read short stories /articles /words on ones’ own and uses his phonetic skills to pronounce new words. |
Can read short stories/articles on ones’ own most of the time. Uses his phonetic skills to pronounce new words most or the time. |
Can often read short stories with varying speed and guidance most of the time. |
Can read short stories with varying speed and guidance from the teachers most of the time. |
Needs help and prompting by the teacher all the time. |
Fluency |
Can read simple/complex passages fluently with proper speed, expression and pronunciation. |
Can read simple/complex passages fluently with speed but needs occasional prompting. |
Can read simple passages but takes time to read each word lacks fluency, speed and expression. |
Can read simple passages with guidance or prompting most of the time. |
Fumbles while reading even simple sentences. Needs help all the time. |
Comprehension |
Can read and understand text and answer questions correctly. |
Can read and understand text and answer most of the questions correctly. |
Can read and understand text and answer some of the questions correctly. |
Can read and understand text with the help of teacher. |
Cannot comprehend the text at all. |
Writing Skills |
Creative Writing |
Can write short stories and paragraphs with accuracy and originality in sentence construction and use of vocabulary. Ideas are arranged logically. |
Can write short stories and paragraphs on a given topic with a fair degree of accuracy. Displays originality sometimes. Ideas are generally logically arranged. |
Writes stories and paragraphs but makes quite a few errors. |
Can write short connected descriptive sentences on ones’ own with some grammatical errors. |
Cannot write even short sentences of ones’ own makes a lot of mistakes. |
Handwriting (Cursive) |
Is neat and legible. All letters and strokes are consistent and joined correctly. Transcription is error free. |
Is neat and legible. Occasional inconsistency seen in formation of letters and strokes. Transcription is error free. |
Is legible but sometimes inconsistent with his strokes and letters. Transcription has occasional errors. |
Handwriting is not very neat. Transcription has many errors. |
Is neither legible nor consistent |
Grammar |
Can write sentences accurately |
Can write sentences accurately most of the time. |
Can write sentences with quite a few errors. |
Can write sentences with a lot of mistakes. |
Cannot write with accuracy. Need help very often. |
Spelling |
Can spell all words correctly. Tries to spell new words. |
Can correctly spell all the words most of the time. Falters occasionally. |
Can correctly spell words but sometimes makes mistakes. |
Makes a lot of spellings mistakes |
Cannot spell words properly. Has to be helped. |
Vocabulary |
Has a rich vocabulary. Often uses new words and phrases in written and spoken forms. |
Has a good range of vocabulary and phrases. Uses new words only most of the time. |
Has a fair range of vocabulary. Uses new words sometimes. |
Vocabulary is limited to only those words, which have been taught in class. |
Has a poor stock of vocabulary |
Speaking Skill |
Conversation |
Is fluent and spontaneous. Responds to situations appropriately and accurately. Can narrate incidents / anecdotes and can participate in a discussion on a given topic with ease. |
Is fluent and spontaneous most of the time. Responds to the situations appropriately but fumbles for words occasionally. Can narrate incidents /anecdotes and can participate in discussions with efforts. |
Lacks spontaneity, fluency and accuracy sometimes. Response time rather long. Needs prompting most of the time. |
Lacks spontaneity, fluency and accuracy. |
Needs help most of the time. |
Recitation |
Can recite a poem or a story with proper speed. diction, expression and tone. |
Can recite a poem or a story with proper speed or expression but makes occasional mistakes in pronunciation or forgets at times. |
Can recite a poem or story with occasional prompting. Expression is not very strong and effective. |
Cannot recite an entire poem or story without prompting. Pronunciation expression is not appropriate. |
Recitation is poor. Lacks expression. |
Listening Skills |
Comprehension |
Can comprehend oral questions, instructions, stories, poems. |
Comprehends oral question, instructions, stories, and poems most of the time. |
Has some difficulty in comprehending instructions, stories or poems. Needs guidance quite often. |
Understands simple conversation in familiar situations. Needs simplification or translation most of the time. |
Cannot understand instructions. Needs help all the time. |
Extra Reading |
Can read short stories/poems for pleasure on ones’ own with complete comprehension. Can form opinions and evaluate characters, and incidents |
Reads stories/poems for pleasure. Sometimes needs help in understanding the story. Can form opinions and evaluate characters and incidents. |
Needs a lot of help with understanding of stories and poems. Can evaluate a character or a situation only sometimes. |
Shows lack of interest in reading stories or poems. Needs a lot of prompting. |
Not interested to read at all any extra material of ones’ own. |
Activities/Project |
Participates enthusiastically in activities/Projects |
Enthusiastically participates in activities/Projects most of the time. |
Needs persuasion by the teacher for active participation. |
Seldom participates in projects assigned. |
Does not participate at all. |
2. CBSE has given all the instructions in English making it difficult for Hindi, Sanskrit and Fine Arts faculty to understand and execute. This is what they can use,
Arts – Juniors Class I – Class V
A+ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Interest |
Shows great enjoyment and aptitude for drawing and painting – recognizes the value of art. |
Shows great enjoyment and aptitude for drawing and painting – recognizes the value of art most of the time |
Enjoys drawing and painting. Shows imagination sometime |
Prefers to be guided than using his own imagination |
Prefers to reproduce what is seen. Needs repeated instruction. |
रूचि |
चित्रकारी / रंग्कारी में बहुत उत्साह एवं लगन दिखाते हैं| इस कला का महत्व समझते हैं| |
चित्रकारी / रंग्कारी में उत्साह एवं लगन दिखाते हैं| लगभग हमेशा कला का महत्व समझते हैं| |
चित्रकारी करने में आनंद लेते हैं| कभी कभी अपनी कल्पना का भी प्रयोग करते हैं| |
शिख्सक के ऊपर निर्देशों के लिए आश्रित रहते हैं, अपनी कल्पना का प्रयोग नहीं करते हैं| |
बनी बनायीं कृति की नक़ल करने को तवज्जो देते हैं| शिक्षक को बार बार बोलना पड़ता हैं| |
Creativity |
Has original drawing and inventiveness in the work. Shows more feeling and expressions in his/her work. |
Has original drawing and inventiveness in the work, shows more feeling and expressions in his/her work most of the time. |
Good at reproducing. Shows feelings and emotions. |
Can communicate the ideas in terms of effect and appeal. |
Lacks creativity and looks for ideas and instructions from the teachers. |
रचनात्मकता |
अपने काम में मौलिकता एवं नयी नयी चीजों का प्रयोग करते हैं| आपनी हर कृति में अपनी काफी अनिभुतियों दर्शाते हैं| |
` अपने काम में मौलिकता एवं नयी नयी चीजों का प्रयोग करते हैं| आपनी कृति में अपनी अनिभुतियों दर्शाते हैं| |
बनी बनायीं कृति की नक़ल करने में आचे हैं| आपनी कृति में अपनी अनिभुतियों दर्शाते हैं| |
अपनी कृति से आपनी सोच को दर्शा लेते हैं| |
रचनात्मकता एवं मौलिकता का आभाव| शिक्षक के ऊपर आश्रित| |
Skill |
Excellent development of skills and high performance |
Excellent development of skills and high performance most of the time. |
Skills development is good but performs occasionally |
Very slow skill development |
No skills. |
कौशल |
अति कुशल – जल्दी सीखते हैं| |
कुशल = अच्छा सीखते हैं | |
अच्छा सीखते हैं – लेकिन कभी कभी ही इसका परिचय देते हैं| |
बहुत देर से इनके कौशल में सुधर हो रहा हैं| |
कौशल का आभाव| |
Drawing / Painting |
Drawing / Painting |
A+ |
Always shows great enjoyment and aptitude for drawing/painting. Has originality and inventiveness in work. Shows feelings and expressions in one’s work. |
हमेशा ड्राइंग / चित्रकला के लिए चाह और उत्सुकता दिखाता है. काम में मौलिकता है. चित्रकारी में भावनाओ का समागम हैं . |
A |
Shows great enjoyment for drawing/painting most of the times. Has original drawing and inventiveness in the work. Shows feelings and expressions in one’s work most of the times. |
तकरीबन हर बार चित्रकला के लिए चाह और उत्सुकता दिखाता है. तकरीबन हर बार काम में मौलिकता है. तकरीबन हर बार चित्रकारी में भावनाओ का समागम हैं |
B |
Enjoys drawing/painting and Shows imagination and creativity some times. Good at reproducing. Shows feelings and emotions in one’ work while communicating ideas. |
चित्रकला में आनंद मिलता है कभी कभी कल्पना और रचनात्मकता दिखाता है नक़ल में अच्छा है. अपने काम में भावनाओं को दर्शा लेता है |
C |
Needs guidance from teachers rather than using one’s own imagination. Can communicate the ideas in terms of effect and appeal. |
अपनी कल्पना के प्रयोग के लिए शिक्षक से मार्गदर्शन की जरूरत पड़ती है. अपने काम में भावनाओं को दर्शा लेता है |
D |
Prefers to reproduce what is seen. Needs continued supervision. Lacks creativity and looks for ideas and instructions from teachers. |
किसी दी हुई तस्वीर की नक़ल करना ज्यादा पसंद करता हैं लगातार मार्गदर्शन की जरुरत पड़ती हैं रचनात्मकता और मौलिकता का अभाव
For Dance
Dance Rating for Junior Classes – Class I – Class V
A+ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Interest |
Always very keen to learn and follow given instructions |
Very keen to learn and follow instructions most of the time. |
Needs little drive to learn and start. |
Sometime shows Interest. |
Does not show much interest. |
रूचि |
सिखने के लिए हमेशा ही बहुत उत्सुक रहते हैं और दिए गए निर्देशों का भली भांति पालन करते हैं| |
सिखने के लिए हमेशा ही उत्सुक रहते हैं और लगभग हर बार दिए गए निर्देशों का पालन करते हैं| |
सिखाने के लिए इनका उत्साह वर्धन करना पड़ता हैं| |
नृत्य में कभी-कभी ही रूचि दिखाते हैं| |
बिलकुल भी अपनी रूचि नहीं दिखाते| |
Rhythm |
Child has a good sense of rhythm and keeps pace with the beat. |
Child has a good sense of rhythm and sometimes falters in keeping pace with the beat. |
Sometimes loses pace with the beat. |
Sometimes goes off the beat and cannot make it up. |
Does not have the sense of rhythm. |
ताल की समझ |
ताल की अच्छी समझ हैं एवं लय के साथ अपना संतुलन बनाये रखते हैं| |
ताल की अच्छी समझ हैं एवं लय के साथ अपना संतुलन बनाये रखने में कभी-कभी परेशानी होती हैं| |
कभी – कभी लय और ताल से भटक जाते हैं| |
कभी – कभी लय और ताल से भटक जाते हैं, और फिर से वापस ताल नहीं पकड़ पते हैं| |
लय एवं ताल की बिलकुल भी समझ नहीं हैं| |
Dance Ratings for SENIOR CLASSES (VI – VIII)
A+ |
Is always very keen to participate on one’s own in an appreciable manner. Has a good sense of rhythm and keeps pace with the beat. Has impressive body movements and facial expressions |
हमेशा बहुत ही सराहनीय ढंग से अपने ही आप से भाग लेने के लिए उत्सुक. ताल की एक अच्छी समझ है और लय के साथ तालमेल रखता है. प्रभावशाली शरीर और चेहरे का भाव पर संतुलन |
A |
Is keen to learn and follow instructions most of the time. Has good sense of rhythm but sometimes falters in keeping pace with beat. Has impressive body movements and facial expressions. |
जानने, समझने के लिए निर्देशों का पालन करने का इच्छुक है. ताल की अच्छी समझ है लेकिन कभी कभी ताल के साथ तालमेल रखने में परेशानी शरीर और चेहरे का भाव पर संतुलन एवं अच्छा तालमेल| |
B |
Needs little drive from teachers and classmates to learn and start. Sometimes loses pace with the beat. Body movements and facial expressions are restricted due to hesitation and lack of confidence. |
शुरू करने के लिए शिक्षक की तरफ से बढावा देने की जरुरत पड़ती हैं कभी कभी ताल के साथ तालमेल रखने में परेशानी. शरीर और चेहरे का भाव झिझक और आत्मविश्वास की कमी के कारण प्रतिबंधित कर रहे हैं. |
C |
Can dance in group Sometimes goes off the beat and cannot make it up. Needs constant guidance from teachers regarding suitable body movements and facial expressions to different situations |
समूह में नृत्य कर सकता हूँ कभी कभी ताल से अलग हो जाता है और फिर से लय नहीं पकड़ पता हैं शिक्षकों से लगातार मार्गदर्शन की जरुरत पड़ती हैं विभिन्न स्थितियों के लिए उपयुक्त शरीर और चेहरे का भाव बनाने में |
D |
Does not show much interest. Hesitates in performing. Needs constant guidance from the teacher. Lacks rhythm. |
रुचि का आभाव. प्रदर्शन करते समय झिझकता हैं शिक्षक से लगातार मार्गदर्शन की जरूरत है. लय का अभाव है. |
For Music
Music Rating for Junior Classes – Class I – Class V
A+ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Interest |
Always very keen to learn and follow given instructions |
Very keen to learn and follow instructions most of the time. |
Needs little drive to learn and start. |
Sometime shows Interest. |
Does not show much interest. |
रूचि |
सिखने के लिए हमेशा ही बहुत उत्सुक रहते हैं और दिए गए निर्देशों का भली भांति पालन करते हैं| |
सिखने के लिए हमेशा ही उत्सुक रहते हैं और लगभग हर बार दिए गए निर्देशों का पालन करते हैं| |
सिखाने के लिए इनका उत्साह वर्धन करना पड़ता हैं| |
नृत्य में कभी-कभी ही रूचि दिखाते हैं| |
बिलकुल भी अपनी रूचि नहीं दिखाते| |
Melody |
Child has a good sense of tune |
Child has a good sense of tune and goes off key occasionally |
Child goes off key, sometimes can come back in tune. |
Child has the sense of time but goes off key in higher octave |
Child does not have much sense of music. |
सुर की समझ |
सुर और ताल की बहुत समझ हैं| |
सुर और ताल की बहुत समझ हैं और बहुत काम बर बेसुरे होते हैं| |
कभी कभी बेसुर हो जाते हैं पर फिर से सुर पकड़ लेते हैं| |
सुर की समझ हैं पर ऊँचे सुर लगते हुए सुर से भटक जाते हैं| |
सुर, लय और ताल की बिलकुल भीं समझ नहीं हैं| |
Music Rating for Senior Classes – Class VI – Class VIII
Music |
A+ |
Has a good sense of rhythm melody and sings songs and plays musical instruments on one’s own in an appreciable manner. Has a good sense of rhythm and keeps pace with the beat |
लय राग की एक अच्छी समझ है और गाने गाता है एक सराहनीय ढंग से संगीत वाद्ययंत्र निभाता है. ताल की एक अच्छी समझ है और लय के साथ तालमेल रखता है |
A |
Enjoys singing and knows something about musical instruments Has a good sense of rhythm but goes off key occasionally. Is very keen to learn and know, follows instructions most of the times. |
गायन पसंद करता हैं और संगीत वाद्ययंत्र के बारे में कुछ जानता है ताल की अच्छी समझ है लेकिन कभी कभार लय से हट जाता हैं जानने के लिए उत्सुक रहता है संगीत निर्देश का पालन करता हैं |
B |
Needs little drive to learn and start. Sometimes loses pace with the beat but can come back to tune. |
शुरू करने के लिए शिक्षक की तरफ से बढावा देने की जरुरत पड़ती हैं कभी कभी बेसुरा हो जाता हैं लेकिन फिर लय पर काबू पा लेता हैं |
C |
Sings songs if asked for but does not know how to play the instruments |
कहने पर गाने गा लेता हैं कोई भी वाद्य बजाना नहीं जानता |
D |
Sings songs in groups but does not know about musical instruments. Lacks sense of rhythm
समूहों में गीत गा लेता हैं संगीत वाद्ययंत्र नहीं जानता है. ताल की भावना का अभाव |
- Open / Starta School in India and CBSE Affiliation - May 31, 2022
- Private School getting Affiliated as a Sainik School - January 28, 2022
- Teacher Awards - September 20, 2021
very well classified and planned thank you