When a School gets affiliated from CBSE, the school receives a status of “PROVISIONALLY AFFILIATED SCHOOL”, this is supposed to be extended after a period of three years and after that when the school applies for Extension of Affiliation and receives a Go-Ahead, it has to again go for extension after a period of 5 Years.
There are two kinds of affiliation which is provided by the CBSE. in a sense one if the evolved and permanent form of the other.
This is what is written in Bye Laws of CBSE, quoting from there;
Those schools which fulfill the essential conditions of the Affiliation Bye-Laws may be considered for Provisional Affiliation for a period of three years subject to fulfilling all the norms and conditions of the Affiliation Bye-Laws with in this period. In case the school(s)do not fulfill the norms and conditions of the affiliation due to some prudent reasons the Board may grant extension of provisional affiliation granted for a further period of 3 years to 5 years subject to fulfill the conditions of affiliation in the extended period.
Those schools which have been granted Provisional Affiliation may be considered for permanent affiliation after the expiry of period of provisional affiliation of 3 years or such extension of provisional affiliation as the case may be subject to fulfillment of all the norms and conditions of the Affiliation Bye-Laws in force by the Board. Provided further that preference may be given to such schools which have been provisionally affiliated with CBSE for a period of 10 years or more and satisfying all the conditions of Affiliation Bye Laws.
Difference between the two
There is no difference other than the fact that the School doesn’t have to go for this time bound extension, rest remains the same. If promoters looking to start the school are reading this, don’t waste your energy thinking about Permanent Affiliation.
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What is the difference between regular affiliation and general affiliation?
There is a Permanent & Provisional Affiliation. I have written a post on it, kindly read http://brightoninternational.in/teachclub