With the advent of satellite television has come the wave of reality shows and along with have come kids performing the unbelievable. What parents at times don’t realise is they were child once and believe their child can do the same given the training. Discovery of talent and aptitude is lost in all of this expectations give and take. But coming to the fact of the matter and what is the reality with many schools of today is the development of Music and Dance faculty at school level. I am putting down some of the challenges which a school faces;
1) English is a problem
All the singers and performers you want to take on board as teachers which have been selected post displaying their talent cannot be blamed for lack of knowledge of English.
2) Teachers by day and Performers by night
Good performers are always in demand and so are their performances, most of the schools operate ion the morning making it difficult for these teachers to give their best.
3) Challenging school curriculum
With such less time and so much time, schools find it difficult to manage time between Studies, Games, Hobby, Outdoor trips, Educational Visits, Co Curricular activities and Exams. Hence, the first to be taken off of the rosters are the Music and Dance classes. In addition to this, none of the board lays down any curriculum for any school. So most of the time, the teachers also are at sea when it comes to developing a somewhat holistic curriculum for performing arts.
4) Abject state of Universities and Evaluation bodies
The government run bodies who have the authority to provide certification for Music and Dance are run by Babus and teachers totally away from reality and lost in their own world. This makes it even more difficult for Schools to get a right direction. Schools look to sweep things under the carpet by winning some group song competition and making kids sing some songs in the annual function.
How it Should Be and What should be done
1) The boards should lay down curriculum or possibly Text books for effective implementation.
2) There is a need gap amongst schools to be provided quality faculty by third party vendors. Somewhat like edusports and Leapstart for sports.
3) Boards should conduct and organise zonal level events to create more awareness and benchmarks for schools.
4) Schools should commit to parents making themselves responsible to make the child master of one of the performing arts, whether be Painting, Drawing, Sculpting, Dance, Vocal or Instrumental music.
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